NZ Made Unbreakable Drinkware 09 278 6052
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B.F. Honan Ltd. is situated in Manukau City, Auckland and has been in operation since 1988.
What is Polycarbonate?
Polycarbonate, known as the silent steel, is a "virtually unbreakable" and "dishwasher safe" material which is stain resistant & impervious to odours.
Polycarbonate's unique insulation properties enable it to withstand temperatures from freezing to boiling point. Keeps cold drinks colder and hot drinks hotter for longer.
Polycarbonate is environmentally friendly and able to be recycled.
Polycarbonate is ideal for bars, hotels, clubs, restaurants, resorts, schools, hospitals, around the pool or in any leisure or sporting environment where breakage and safety are a concern.
Our Drinkware range may be printed giving a long-lasting profile for your Company. (Note that the printed items are still "dishwasher safe").
Polycarbonate Properties
Polycarbonates unique insulation properties enable it to withstand temperatures from - 40 C to +130 C.
It can be safely put into a microwave, freezer or boiling water. Keeps cold drinks colder, hot drinks hotter for longer.
It may also be Autoclaved to +130 C.
Polycarbonate is environmentally friendly - able to be recycled.
Polycarbonate is ideal for
bars hotels clubs restaurants resorts
hospitals around the pool or
in any leisure or sporting environment where breakage and safety are a concern.
©2025 B.F. Honan Limited
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